Terms of Use - Copyright

The www.eric-son.it web-site is owned and operated by Eric-Son s.a.s, Gasser Str. 14 39010 - Nals (BZ) ITALY.

You may not use, download, upload, copy, print, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, post, transmit or distribute any information from this web-site in whole or in part without the written express authorization of Eric-Son s.a.s. Eric-Son reserves complete title and full intellectual property rights in any content from this web-site.
Some of the names, signs and logos on this site are protected trademarks or trade names. License or right to use any trademark displayed on the site is only granted with the written permission from Eric-Son s.a.s or such third party that may own the trademarks displayed on the site.
If the web-site is mis-used, Eric-Son will not be liable to any direct or indirect damage, what so ever.

Choice of Law and Venue

The web-site shall be governed by Italian law.

Any dispute arising from or in connection to or relating to this web-site or these Terms shall, failing a bargaining solution, be decided solely by the Commercial Court of Rome, Italy.

Contact Information

If you have any questions regarding these Terms or any other questions regarding the web-site, please contact Eric-Son s.a.s at www.eric-son.it